R & D



Q.I. can help you optimize the production process. This goal is achievable with a multi-stage approach, starting with the collection of an extensive data set. This is when Q.I.’s non-destructive techniques, which allow for quick and simple data collection that is harmless to the analyzed structure, already make a difference. Indeed, if the collection of samples damaged the structure, it would not be possible to monitor sufficiently large areas, preventing the creation of a complete analytical picture of the structure.
Data are collected according to the following procedure:

  1. Creation of a standard sample of the structure that has to be examined. The standard, which has to reproduce the stratification that will be investigated, may be chosen on the structure itself or it may be built on purpose.
  2. Definition of the net for data collection considering object geometry, building technique, loads usually suffered and the aim of the analyses.
  3. Ultrasound spectra collection according to defined net.
  4. Analyses of collected spectra.

This first step is followed by data processing, culminating in the creation of a database of the collected ultrasound spectra. As a result the boat is x-rayed at the moment of its construction, freezing in all the information needed to assess the quality of the product and of the production process. The collected data is studied with computer methods to give, within a few days, a number of results that will help finding a quick remedy to construction mistakes. The results delivered include:

  • Product quality assessment.
  • Mapping, type and size of possible defects.
  • Hypothesis on defect causes.
  • Problems in the production process (in case of yards).

The strive towards continuous improvements in the production process requires monitoring of the behaviour of the composite structure after routine usage or, even more importantly, after extraordinary or accidental events, such as running aground, shocks or severe weather conditions.
This new data, once again acquired without causing any damage to the structure, can be compared with the first “post-production” data base to verify whether in the meantime any change has occurred to materials and structures. This new analyses will themselves contribute to the growth of the data base, once again helping to improve the quality of the product and the production process.

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