Density Determination

Density Determination

Density is a quantitative parameter and its variation could have a damaging result on the functioning or on the quality of the product. The determination of the density of the raw materials and finished products can be used to confirm the purity of the material and to verify its homogeneity. If a component is not homogeneous, the main performance attributes such as strength and breaking strength may be affected. The measurement is carried out through the hydrostatic force: the Archimedes principle states that a body partially or completely immersed in a liquid undergoes a hydrostatic force directed vertically upwards. The intensity of this force is equivalent to the weight of the liquid displaced by the body. Density calculation is performed weighting the body in air and in distilled water using an analytical balance, according to ASTM D792.
Formula for determining the density of a solid in distilled water using an analytical balance:

W (a) · ρ(fl)
      ρ = ——————    (g/cm3)
W (a) – W (fl)

ρ = density of solid
ρ (fl) = density of distilled water
W (a) = solid body weight in the air
W (fl) = solid body weight in water

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